[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 375 - Drugs seizures [27859/14]. (01 Jul 2014)
375. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the way in which cannabis seized by the Garda and customs officers is dealt with; if there is a protocol in place for the disposal of confiscated cannabis; if she will outline this procedure; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27859/14]
Minister for Justice and Equality (Deputy Frances Fitzgerald): I am informed by the Garda authorities that in circumstances where controlled drugs including cannabis have been seized and are subsequently made the subject of a court destruction order, or in circumstances where no offender is prosecuted in relation to the seizure of the controlled drugs, they are destroyed in a safe and secure manner in accordance with the policy of An Garda Síochána.
The responsibility for ensuring the destruction of drugs, whether subject to a court order or otherwise, rests with each District Officer. The drugs are destroyed under the supervision of an Inspector from the Technical Bureau at Garda Headquarters who certifies destruction to each relevant District Officer.
The Garda Technical Bureau also facilitates the destruction of controlled drugs which have been received at the Bureau from Customs Officials.
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