[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 58 - Tobacco smuggling. [10055/14]. (27 Feb 2014)
External website: http://oireachtasdebates.oireachtas.ie/debates%20a...
58. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Finance if he will invest in more scanners to detect the illegal importation of tobacco products at our ports; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10055/14]
Minister for Finance (Deputy Michael Noonan): I propose to take Questions Nos. 58 and 81 together.
I am informed by the Revenue Commissioners that Revenue currently has three mobile scanner systems. Two of these are mobile x-ray container scanning systems that are based at Dublin Port and Rosslare Ferry Port respectively. Both of these scanners are available for deployment at other ports, and at other locations such as warehouses, as required, and Revenue uses them, on a risk assessment basis, at various locations throughout the country. The other mobile scanning system is a scanner van, a specialist vehicle incorporating an X-ray facility and radiation detection facilities. It is used for monitoring baggage and cargo at airports and ports for narcotics, cigarettes, radioactive materials and other contraband. It also allows Revenue officers to carry out control actions at other locations such as warehouses and courier depots.
The mobile scanner systems are complemented by static baggage/parcel scanners at all major ports, airports and postal depots. I am advised that three modern replacement x-ray scanners for baggage were purchased in the recent past for use at Dublin Airport, Shannon Airport and Rosslare Ferry Port.
The Revenue Commissioners continuously review their detection technology requirements, taking account of developments in those technologies, and have availed of part-funding under the European Union's Hercule II programme to acquire equipment of this kind. I understand that they are generally satisfied with their current scanning capabilities and consider that the container ports are adequately serviced by the two mobile X-ray container scanning systems. I am advised also that the performance of the scanner van since its acquisition is being evaluated on an ongoing basis and that the possibility of augmenting this resource with additional units is being considered.
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