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Moore, Joan (2014) From Drugnet Europe. Drugnet Ireland, Issue 48, Winter 2013, p. 26.

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Best Practice Portal revamp
Article by Marica Ferri in Drugnet Europe, No. 84, October–December 2013 

The EMCDDA’s Best Practice Portal (BPP) is a valuable web-based tool for disseminating information on effective interventions and their implementation across Europe. Since 2009, the EMCDDA has been collaborating with a number of international organisations at the forefront of research in this area in order to ensure that the portal is up-to-date, linked to relevant guidelines and standards and in line with advanced methods for disseminating evidence. Among the bodies consulted by the EMCDDA have been: the Cochrane Group on Drugs and Alcohol; the GRADE working group; and the EU-funded DECIDE project.1
In 2014, the BPP will be revamped with a view to becoming more user-friendly and better integrating its current components (synthesis of evidence, guidelines and standards and examples of implemented projects). With this in mind, experts convened in Lisbon on 22 October to discuss the new concept for the BPP and to test one of the evidence frameworks developed by the DECIDE project leaders (based on an EMCDDA systematic review on media campaigns to prevent illicit drug use among young people). The new, improved portal will be launched in May 2014 to coincide with the release of the European Drug Report 2014.
New series of EMCDDA papers to be launched this autumn
Cited from Drugnet Europe, No. 84, October–December 2013
In line with its 2012 Communication strategy which promises to produce briefer web-based products and fewer lengthy volumes in print, the EMCDDA will be launching this autumn a new series of ‘EMCDDA papers’ to be available in electronic format only. Upcoming topics to be addressed by the series include: drug policy advocacy organisations; psychiatric co-morbidity; public expenditure related to detainees for drug-law offences; multidimensional family therapy; and drug squads.
Europe takes decisive step forward in monitoring drug supply
Cited from Drugnet Europe, No. 84, October–December 2013
A set of Council conclusions on improving the monitoring of drug supply in the European Union was adopted by the Economic and Financial Affairs Council meeting in Brussels on 15 November.1 …
In order to obtain sound data in this area, the Council acknowledges the need for key indicators at EU level, developed around a set of sub-indicators (seizures; purity and content; drug prices; drug production facilities dismantled; drug law offences; drug availability in the population; and market size). The paper recommends an approach which builds on existing data-collection and reporting structures and ensures that activities are cost-effective, realistic, feasible and deliver clear value at EU level.
The need to scale up the monitoring of illicit drug supply in Europe is an important component of the current EU drugs strategy (2013–20). The strategy sets a priority for the EU to work towards more effective policies in the field of drug supply reduction, by reinforcing policy evaluation and analysis to improve the understanding of drug markets, drug-related crime and the effectiveness of drug-related law enforcement responses.
Member States are invited to collaborate with the European Commission, the EMCDDA and Europol with a view to improving the comparability and quality of data collected in the area of drug supply, as well as submitting available datasets to the agencies in a timely way, using existing reporting tools and channels.
1.  15189/13 CORDROGUE 107 ENFOPOL 329.
Implementing Decision submits new drug 5-IT to EU-wide controls
Cited from article by Andrew Cunningham and Ana Gallegos in Drugnet Europe, No. 84, October–December 2013
The Council of the EU adopted an implementing Decision on 7 October to submit the new psychoactive substance 5-(2-aminopropyl)indole (5-IT) to EU-wide control measures, following a risk assessment conducted by the extended EMCDDA Scientific Committee on 11 April 2013.1
5-IT, a synthetic stimulant drug, was reported to the EU early-warning system (EWS) in 2012 and appears to have been available in Europe since around November 2011. The substance was linked to 24 fatalities and 21 non-fatal intoxications, which occurred over a period of five months in 2012, raising concerns for public safety.
By 13 October 2014, Member States must take the necessary measures, in accordance with their national law, to subject 5-IT to control measures and criminal penalties, as provided for under their legislation complying with their obligations under the 1971 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances.
Drugnet Europe is the quarterly newsletter of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). Drugs in focus is a series of policy briefings published by the EMCDDA. Both publications are available at www.emcdda.europa.eu.
If you would like a hard copy of the current or future issues of either publication, please contact:
Health Research Board, Knockmaun House, 42–47 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01 2345 148; Email: drugnet@hrb.ie
Item Type
Publication Type
International, Open Access, Article
Drug Type
Substances (not alcohol/tobacco)
Intervention Type
Issue Title
Issue 48, Winter 2013
January 2014
Page Range
p. 26
Health Research Board
Issue 48, Winter 2013
Accession Number
HRB (Electronic Only)

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