Arensman, Ella and Wall, A and McAuliffe, Carmel and Corcoran, Paul and Williamson, Eileen and Duggan, Aine and Perry, Ivan J (2013) Second report of the Suicide Support and Information System. Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation.
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This is the second report of the Suicide Support and Information System (SSIS). The first report of the SSIS was published in July 2012 (Arensman et al, 2012).
In 2008, The National Office for Suicide Prevention(NOSP) commissioned the National Suicide Research Foundation to establish a National Suicide Support and Information System in line with Action 25.2 of the Reach Out National Strategy for Action on Suicide Prevention 2005-2014 (HSE, 2005). The first SSIS report provided outcomes of the implementation of the SSIS during the pilot phase in the Cork region, descriptive characteristics of people who died by suicide and who were recorded by the SSIS, and details of a large cluster of suicide among young men identified by the SSIS.
In total, 307 cases were recorded by the SSIS between September 2008 and June 2012 (275 suicides and 32 open verdicts fulfilling the case finding criteria). Coroner checklists were completed for all 307 cases.
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