Home > Annual report of the Committee Appointed to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Diversion Programme 2011.

Committee appointed to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Diversion Programme. (2013) Annual report of the Committee Appointed to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Diversion Programme 2011. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.

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The Diversion Programme is a statutory option provided for under the Children Act 2001 to address the offending behaviour of children between the age of 10 years and 18 years. The Programme is managed by a Garda Superintendent appointed by the Commissioner of An Garda Síochána and is known as the Director of the Programme. The Director must consider all cases and decide on the suitability or otherwise of the child for inclusion in the Programme.

• The total number of incidents referred to the Diversion Programme during 2011 was 27,384.
• The total number of individual children referred to the Programme was 12,809.
• 9,721 (76%) of the children referred were admitted to the Diversion Programme.
• 6,944 (54% ) children had their cases dealt with by way of an informal caution.
• 2,777 (22%) children had their cases dealt with by way of a formal caution.
• 515 (4%) children have a decision in their case pending.
• 738 (6%) children required no further Garda action to be taken.
• 1,835 (14%) children were considered not suitable for inclusion in the Programme.
• 25% of children who were referred to the Programme were female while 75% were male.
• The Garda Programme of Restorative Justice continued to develop and involved Juvenile Liaison Officers using Restorative Justice in 903 referrals.
• Public order (28.86%), theft and related offences (23.69%) and damage to property and to the environment (11.31%) constitute the three main categories of offences for which children were referred.
• The total number of JLO posts is 123 including 8 JLO Sergeants.

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