Home > Staff development toolkit for drug and alcohol services.

Wright, Colin (2006) Staff development toolkit for drug and alcohol services. London: National Treatment Agency.

PDF (Staff development toolkit for Staff development toolkit for drug and alcohol services.) - Published Version

This toolkit is for managers in drug and alcohol services. It is particularly aimed at supporting organisations which may not have their own specialist human resources managers/departments. Larger organisations (eg the NHS) are likely to have their own existing HR policies and procedures. This toolkit does not attempt to offer guidance on these organisation specific HR policies and procedures.

1. Introduction
2. National Occupational Standards
3. Drug and Alcohol National Occupational Standards (DANOS)
4. Job descriptions and role profiles
5. Recruitment and selection
6. Contracts of employment
7. Induction
8. Training and development
9. National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs)
10. Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
11. Portfolio building
12. Drug and Alcohol qualifications and awards
13. Funding of training and qualifications
14. Appraisal
15. Supervision
16. Personnel records
17. Dealing with poor performance
18. Disciplinary Procedures
19. Grievance Procedures
20. Exit interviews and questionnaires
Glossary of terms / acronyms
Sources of further information and support
Example templates and tools.

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