Home > Joint Committee on Health and Children debate: Forthcoming Health Council: discussion with Minister for Health (Continued).

[Oireachtas] Joint Committee on Health and Children debate: Forthcoming Health Council: discussion with Minister for Health (Continued). (23 Nov 2012)

External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/joint_...

….Deputy Robert Dowds: I welcome the Minister, the Ministers of State and the officials. On the Minister's priorities for Europe and specifically that which relates to the provision of health services in the current economic climate, I am of the view that it would be useful to include the abuse of alcohol in this regard. If there was less abuse of alcohol, there would be less pressure on our hospitals. I do not know whether the Minister will be able to fit this into his programme of work. 

Deputy James Reilly:It is not just alcohol abuse, we must also deal with tobacco addiction and with drug abuse generally. In so far as is possible, we will certainly discuss alcohol abuse as another matter which needs to be addressed. We may try to promote the idea of a uniform approach to this problem being taken across Europe. I must be careful and advise Deputy Dowds and other members that there is only so much one can achieve. If one seeks to dilute one's aims to a huge degree, the effectiveness of one's Presidency will become suspect. I am of the view, therefore, that we should focus on some of the major issues, while also dealing with a number of the smaller ones - accept that certain of these are hugely important to us - then we can make serious progress. From the public health perspective, the one about which I am really concerned is the tobacco directive. This was well advanced before the resignation of Commissioner Dalli and we want to ensure that it will be expedited by the new Commission. We want to create the opportunity to progress this matter in a serious fashion during our Presidency…….
Tuesday, 20 November 2012

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