Southern Regional Drugs Task Force. [Southern Regional Drugs Task Force] Be Overdose Aware. (26 Nov 2012)
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SRDTF have developed an Overdose Awareness poster, targeted at drug users, professionals and the general public for display around the region - GP surgeries, Pharmacies, Treatment Centres, Drug Projects, Clubs...and anywhere else for that matter.
The poster contains 6 different pieces of information:
1. Essential advice for the drug user - Always and Never
2. Possible signs of overdose
3. Information on the recovery position
4. QR Codes to a Free overdose app for iPhone and Android
5. Advice to call the emergency services if someone is in trouble
6. A place for local agencies to give their contact details if they offer drugs support.
Thanks to HSE Drug & Alcohol services and the regional Pharmacy Liaison Nurses for their help with this.
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Health related issues
G Health and disease > Substance use disorder (addiction) > Drug use disorder > Drug intoxication > Poisoning (overdose)
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Prevention approach > Prevention through information and education
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