[Mid Ulster Mail] Community partnership provides lifeline against alcohol and substance misuse. (12 Oct 2012)
External website: http://www.midulstermail.co.uk/lifestyle/community...
The manager of Northern Ireland’s drug and alcohol awareness programme, Breakthru, joined the Health Minister Edwin Poots to promote the benefits of a community development approach to promoting health and wellbeing.
Bernadette Mc Hugh, who has been Breakthru’s manager for three years, addressed the Pharmacy Management National Seminar for Northern Ireland, at Belfast’s Riddel Hall on Wednesday, October 3, and outlined how vital it is for pharmacists in the province to use their expertise and considerable skills to work with community organisations to tackle health inequalities and promote positive health.
Breakthru, which is funded by the Building the Community Pharmacy Partnership, (BCPP) a partnership between Community Development and Health Network and the Pharmacy Branch of the Health and Social Care Board, promotes a joined up approach as the best practice to end health inequalities and to empower communities to use innovative programmes to address identified issues...
“At Breakthru, we are acutely aware of poor mental health among the older population which constitutes one in eight of all suicides in Northern Ireland, for people aged 60 plus. The highest suicide rates are among women aged 45-54-years-old.
Mrs Mc Hugh said it’s essential that a community development approach is maintained to help people develop their own skills and knowledge so they can enhance their own health and well being.
Topics examined for women through information sessions, group work, creative workshops and one to one support have included depression and anxiety disorders, panic attacks, sleep and sleep disorders, over the counter medicines and their potential misuse alongside sessions exploring art therapy, yoga, relaxation techniques...
MA-ML Social science, culture and community > Community action > Community development
T Demographic characteristics > Elderly / Older person
T Demographic characteristics > Pharmacist
MA-ML Social science, culture and community > Community action > Community involvement
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