Home > Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 118 - Community employment drug rehabilitation projects .[28610/12]

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 118 - Community employment drug rehabilitation projects .[28610/12]. (13 Jun 2012)

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118. Deputy Maureen O’Sullivan asked the Minister for Social Protection her plans to ensure the survival of community employment drug rehab projects whose numbers are in serous decline as a result of the changes in concurrent payments for CE participants in the Social Welfare Bill 2012; if her attention has been drawn to the fact that Citywide carried out several recent surveys showing that the vast majority of clients on these projects 78% were in receipt of concurrent payments that is either disability 51% or one parent family allowance 27% payments and that the changes in the Social Welfare Bill 2012 are acting as a disincentive to take up these programmes for person’s who want to tackle their drug problems; if her attention has been drawn to the fact that Citywide report a drop in numbers of participants of 13% since the start of 2012 and there is a dramatic fall in person’s on waiting lists during the same period 64%; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [28610/12] 

Minister for Social Protection (Deputy Joan Burton): Department of Social Protection officials have received the results of the Citywide survey and note the issues raised therein. The CE Drug Rehabilitation Projects are working with DSP staff to ensure the viability and continuation of the valuable work undertaken by such schemes. In the six month period January-June of this year, DSP records show that there has been a reduction of 2% in participation on drug rehabilitation places nationally. Our records also indicate that there has been a small reduction in the participation of people with a disability and no decrease in participation by lone parents. Further research will be required by the Department of Social Protection to confirm the reasons for this.

In terms of activation and progression it is highly desirable that people with disabilities and lone parents participate fully in labour market programmes particularly rehabilitative programmes. Improvement to the promotion of these CE places to the target groups is very important. I am advised that DSP has asked for these vacancies to be advertised on the National Call Centre, to facilitate their circulation across local Employment Offices and with the Local Employment Services. DSP staff are in close contact with Drug Rehabilitation Schemes and will continue to monitor the situation
Written Answers - Community Employment Drug Rehabilitation Projects
Dáil Éireann Debate Vol. 768 No. 2
Wednesday, 13 June 2012

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