[irishcentral.com] American and Irish youths have highest death rate due to binge drinking, partying and violence. (28 Apr 2012)
External website: http://www.irishcentral.com/news/American-and-Iris...
A new study has revealed that Irish and US teens are most likely to die young. The study looked at teenage behavior in developed, higher income countries.
The results showed that the teens in these countries tend to live fast and die younger than in other countries.
According to the report, Irish and Americans aged 10-24 are more likely to die violent deaths due to their overindulgence of pot and alcohol.
This is the second Lancet, “Adolescent Health Series” [subscription], by the British medical journal. The series looks at the problems faced by the 1.8 billion young people around the world.
The series said it’s time to “put the young person, not the specific issue, center stage."
The editors of the study said that adolescent health is still a “marginalized sub-speciality” and said it must be elevated into “mainstream global health agendas”.
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