Cahill, Kate and Lancaster, Tim and Green, Natasha (2010) Stage-based interventions for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (11), Art. No.: CD004492. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004492.pub4.
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Our primary objective was to test the effectiveness of stage-based interventions in helping smokers to quit.
Conclusions: Based on four trials using direct comparisons, stage-based self-help interventions (expert systems and/or tailored materials) and individual counselling were neither more nor less effective than their non-stage-based equivalents. Thirty-one trials of stage-based self help or counselling interventions versus any control condition demonstrated levels of effectiveness which were comparable with their non-stage-based counterparts. Providing these forms of practical support to those trying to quit appears to be more productive than not intervening. However, the additional value of adapting the intervention to the smoker's stage of change is uncertain. The evidence is not clear for other types of staged intervention, including telephone counselling, interactive computer programmes and training of physicians or lay supporters. The evidence does not support the restriction of quitting advice and encouragement only to those smokers perceived to be in the preparation and action stages.
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Substance disorder treatment method > Cessation of tobacco use
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Psychosocial treatment method
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Psychosocial treatment method > Individual therapy
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Counselling
HJ Treatment or recovery method > Treatment outcome
J Health care, prevention, harm reduction and treatment > Health related issues > Health information and education
N Communication, information and education > Information use and impact
N Communication, information and education > Digital technology
VA Geographic area > International
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