Home > Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 602 - Health promotion [Alcohol sales] [35616/11]

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 602 - Health promotion [Alcohol sales] [35616/11]. (22 Nov 2011)

External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/2...

602.  Deputy Sandra McLellan asked the Minister for Health the efforts he has made to ensure the appropriate selling and marketing of alcohol in pubs, off-licences, supermarkets and in public places. [35616/11]

Minister for Health (Deputy James Reilly): Section 9 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act 2008 provides for the structural separation of alcohol from other products in mixed trading premises such as supermarkets, convenience stores and garage forecourts. The then Minister for Justice, Equality & Law Reform deferred commencement of these provisions subject to achieving sector-wide compliance to the agreed Code of Practice on the Sale and Display of Alcohol in Mixed Trading Premises. This Code, which was agreed with trade representatives and the Departments of Health and Justice and Equality in 2008, sets out voluntary commitments on structural separation, advertising and training. It is subject to independent monitoring and submission of an annual implementation report to the Minister for Justice and Equality. Implementation of the code is overseen by the independently chaired Responsible Retailing of Alcohol in Ireland – a group which is comprised of representatives of the mixed traders.

The Chairperson of Responsible Retailing of Alcohol in Ireland (RRAI) submitted the 3rd Compliance Report on the Implementation of the Code of Practice on the Display and Sale of Alcohol in Mixed Trading Premises to the Minister for Justice and Equality on the 30th of September last. It has been published on the Department of Justice and Equality’s website and the Minister for Justice and Equality is currently seeking the views of interested bodies on the report’s conclusions and, more generally, on the effectiveness of the voluntary approach to implementing structural separation objectives in mixed trading premises preparatory to a decision on whether to commence the statutory provisions on structural separation in section 9 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act 2008.
In addition, Codes of Practice on the placement of alcohol advertising were agreed between the alcohol industry, the advertising industry and the Department of Health. The purpose of these Codes was to reduce the exposure of children and young people to alcohol marketing. The Codes aim to limit the overall level of alcohol advertising and sponsorship across all media and adherence and compliance with the Codes is monitored by the Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body (AMCMB). The Codes of Practice were strengthened in July 2008.
Finally, a National Substance Misuse Strategy Steering Group was established in 2009. It is examining the development of policy to deal with a wide range of key issues relating to the supply, pricing, availability and marketing of alcohol, along with measures for the policy areas of prevention strategies, treatment, rehabilitation and substance dependency, research and information. The report of the Steering Group is close to completion; I expect to receive proposals in the coming months and I will then brief my colleagues in Government on these.
Question No. 603 answered with Question No. 600.
Written Answers - Health Promotion
Vol. 747 No. 3
Tuesday, 22 November 2011

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