Home > HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme annual report 2010.

HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme. (2011) HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme annual report 2010. Dublin: HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme.

PDF (HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme 2010) - Published Version

January 2010 saw the former Crisis Pregnancy Agency’s integration into the Health Service Executive to become the HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme.

For most of 2010, the Programme was located in Children and Family Social Services Care Group in the Integrated Services Directorate and reported to Assistant National Director for Children and Family Social Services. The Programme commenced the process of forging links and relationships within the wider HSE and with services which support and add value to the work of the Programme.

The Programme also made efforts to identify areas where it could share its expertise in the areas of crisis pregnancy and sexual health. In the latter part of 2010, the Programme was moved to Public Health with the aim of improving the alignment of the Programme to achieve better
integration and create more opportunity to synchronise approaches with other related parts of the health service and to work more effectively at long term integration and planning 2012 – 2016.

Item Type
Publication Type
Irish-related, Report
Drug Type
All substances
44 p.
HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme
Corporate Creators
HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme
Place of Publication
Accession Number
HRB (Electronic Only)

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