Van Hout, Marie Claire and Brennan, Rebekah (2012) Curiosity killed M-Cat: A post legislative study on mephedrone use in Ireland. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy, 19, (2), pp. 156-162.
Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone) is a synthetic ‘amphetamine-type stimulant’ (ATS) derived from the Khat plant and collectively known as ‘M-Cats’. Research has indicated the presence of strong displacement patterns in post-legislative timeframes with mephedrone incurred positive effects stimulating user preferences over amphetamine, MDMA and cocaine. The aim of this research was to investigate post-legislative mephedrone consumerist patterns and the presence of (any) incurred displacement patterns, as follow-up to an earlier study on prelegislative mephedrone use in the Republic of Ireland.
L Social psychology and related concepts > Legal availability or accessibility
MM-MO Crime and law > Substance related offence > Drug offence > Illegal distribution of drugs (drug market / dealing)
MM-MO Crime and law > Justice system
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
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