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Moore, Joan (2011) From Drugnet Europe. Drugnet Ireland, Issue 38, Summer 2011, p. 23.

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Over 40 new drugs reported in 2010
Cited from article by Roumen Sedefov and Ana Gallegos in Drugnet Europe, No. 74, April–June 2011

According to the EMCDDA–Europol 2010 report on new drugs entering the European market,1 41 new psychoactive substances were officially notified for the first time to the two agencies in 2010. This represents the largest number of substances ever reported in a single year, considerably up on 2009 (24 substances) and 2008 (13 substances). The full list of substances notified shows a ‘rather diverse’ group, including: synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic cathinones, synthetic derivatives of well-established drugs as well as one plant-based substance (arecoline).
The report gives an account of the risk assessment of the synthetic cathinone derivative, mephedrone, which led to the decision for Europe-wide controls on the drug in December 2010. A further 15 synthetic cathinone derivatives were detected during the year. Also documented is the first-time appearance of derivatives of two established drugs: ketamine and PCP (phencyclidine).
Commenting on this year’s findings, EMCDDA Director Wolfgang Götz said: ‘Given the speed at which new developments occur in this area, it is important to anticipate future challenges. While our early-warning system has recently upped its operational capacity to react rapidly to new substances and products identified, it currently lacks the ability to anticipate emerging threats. This could be addressed by actively purchasing, synthesising and studying new compounds and by improving capacity for investigative forensic analysis and research at European level.’
1. EMCDDA–Europol (2011) EMCDDA–Europol 2010 annual report on the implementation of Council Decision 2005/387/JHA. Lisbon: EMCDDA, www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/implementation-reports/2010
Opioid substitution treatment: the role of general practitioners
Cited from article by Allesandro Pirona in Drugnet Europe, No. 74, April–June 2011
General practitioners are becoming an increasingly important provider of drug treatment services in Europe and are helping to reduce inequalities in the accessibility and availability of opioid substitution treatment (OST). GPs now provide OST to heroin dependent users in 14 EU countries, usually under shared care arrangements with specialised treatment centres. It is estimated that around a third of the estimated 670 000 clients in OST in Europe receive their treatment through GPs.
While specialist drug treatment services remain the EMCDDA’s main data suppliers in this area, GPs and other service providers can be a key additional information source, helping to improve reporting on overall treatment provision in Europe. Such information is pivotal in assessing the availability and accessibility to effective treatment as well as gauging the unmet needs of drug users.
Under its 2011 work programme objective ‘to develop and explore potential new data sources on drug treatment and harm reduction’, the EMCDDA is investigating strategies for collecting treatment data from GPs. It is also facilitating the exchange of experience between GPs and scientists in the EU regarding the benefits of GP involvement in this type of treatment (e.g. client health management, continuity of care) and the challenges in current medical practice (e.g. managing polydrug use, diversion of medications).1
1.European exchange on the practice and current issues in opioid substitution treatment in general practitioners’ settings. www.emcdda.europa.eu/html.cfm/index2062EN.html
Item Type
Publication Type
International, Open Access, Article
Drug Type
Opioid, New psychoactive substance
Issue Title
Issue 38, Summer 2011
Page Range
p. 23
Health Research Board
Issue 38, Summer 2011
Accession Number
HRB (Available)

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