Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 632 - Traveller community [15133/11].
(15 Jun 2011)
External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/2...
632. Deputy Charles Flanagan asked the Minister for Health the progress made in improving interagency work in respect of the health of members of the Traveller community, subsequent to the publication of the all-Ireland Traveller health study. [15133/11]
634. Deputy Charles Flanagan asked the Minister for Health the steps that have been taken to implement the recommendations of the all-Ireland Traveller health study; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15126/11]
636. Deputy Charles Flanagan asked the Minister for Health his views on the recommendation of the all-Ireland Traveller health study in respect of the need for a national multilevel campaign to break down stereotypes about Travellers; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15134/11]
Minister for Health (Deputy James Reilly): I propose to take Question Nos. 632, 634 and 636 together.
Arising from the findings of the Study a sub-group of the Traveller Health Advisory Committee met and agreed priority areas for action. These are: Mental Health; Suicide; Men’s Health; Addiction/Alcohol; Domestic Violence; Diabetes and Cardiovascular Health. Existing resources allocated to Traveller health will be focused towards addressing these priority areas.
The recommendations in the Study also identify that the poor health status of Travellers is the result of the various social determinants which impact on health outcomes; for example education and environment which may in turn be further impacted on by stereotypes which surround Travellers. Addressing these challenges will require cross sectoral action in addition to the health sector to address. The National Traveller Monitoring and Advisory Committee and the High Level Group on Traveller Issues are the cross sectoral groups which will have a primary role to play in facilitating these issues going forward.
The Equality Authority, as part of its remit to promote equality, has been working with community and voluntary organisations to implement a strategy to combat stereotyping. In this context, the Authority is supporting Galway Traveller Movement to implement a project to facilitate dialogue between key decision-makers and representatives of the Traveller community on challenging stereotypical attitudes towards each other with a view to improving service delivery to Travellers.
Written Answers - Traveller Community
15 June 2011
Vol. 735 No. 2
Publication Type
Intervention Type
Harm reduction, Policy
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