Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 108 - Alcohol branded sponsorship.
(26 May 2011)
External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/2...
108. Deputy Kevin Humphreys asked the Minister for Health and Children the status of any working group in his Department studying the phasing out of alcohol branded sponsorship in sporting and cultural events; the terms of reference on any working group studying the issue; if they are working with other Departments; his views on alcohol sponsorship of sporting and cultural events; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13154/11]
Minister for Health and Children (Deputy James Reilly): A Working Group was established in 2008 to “discuss the question of the sponsorship of sporting events by the alcohol industry with a view to phasing it out”, its report was published in June 2010. The Report showed that there were two different views represented in the Working Group; but it was not charged with finding a means of reconciling these opposing views or to assess the relative merits of the arguments made.
The Report was then referred to the Steering Group that is developing the National Substance Misuse Strategy to assist it in its deliberations on actions to tackle the harm caused to individuals and society by alcohol use and misuse and on the issues of alcohol marketing and sponsorship.
The Steering Group is made up of representatives from the Departments of Sport, Tourism & Culture, Environment, Heritage & Local Government, Justice & Equality and Education & Skills along with a representative from the former Department for Community , Equality & Gaeltacht Affairs.
In addition, as part of its work, the Group invited individuals and groups to submit proposals with regard to alcohol.
The question of alcohol branded sponsorship in sporting and cultural events is under consideration and the report of the National Substance Misuse Strategy Steering Group will be finalised in the coming months.
Written Answers - Alcohol Branded Sponsorship
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Vol. 733 No. 3 (Unrevised)
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