European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] Developing a set of indicators on drug markets, crime and supply reduction in Europe: your input is welcome. (13 May 2011)
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The need to scale up the monitoring of illicit drug supply in Europe is an important component of the current EU action plan and EMCDDA work programme 2010–12. In October 2010, the first European conference on drug supply indicators, organised by the European Commission and the EMCDDA, with the active involvement of Europol, (1) initiated work on the conceptualisation of technically sound and sustainable indicators in this area of key importance for European drug policy.
According to the strategy adopted, the overall conceptual framework to monitor illicit drug supply will integrate three components: drug markets, drug-related crime and drug supply reduction. Special attention will be given to the possible standardisation, extension and improvement of existing data-collection systems and targeted research will be used to improve understanding of the topic. Three working groups, supported by the EMCDDA, will produce a roadmap in 2011 comprising short, medium and long-term monitoring objectives for the three areas.
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