Reaper, Emily (2010) Communities of interest - drug users forum. In: Community drugs problem: defining the problem - defending the responses conference, 15 October 2010, Dublin.
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Emily Reaper explained that UISCE
• Is a forum for drug users in the North Inner City.
• Focus groups meet to discuss certain issues for service users, an example of a recent focus group that was held to talk about the Head Shop substances and how they were affecting service users.
• UISCE have helped other Drugs Task Forces to set up other forums for drug users.
• The magazine 'Brass Munkie' that UISCE produces features information about drugs issues as well as submissions from service users and ratings of other services by drug users. This is delivered to drug users through outreach work and workers ask them about their health, services and other issues.
UISCE carry out research, are involved in health promotion campaigns and work with other groups and services.
UISCE would like a drug user to be nominated from the national forum to sit on the Drugs Advisory Group and believe that better resources should be provided to support drug users who sit on Drugs Task Forces.
MA-ML Social science, culture and community > Community action > Community involvement
MM-MO Crime and law > Legal rights > Rights of persons who use substances (users)
T Demographic characteristics > Person who uses substances (user / experience)
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
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