World Health Organization. [World Health Organization] Improving the health of young people. (13 Aug 2010)
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Over 1.8 million young people die every year. But an even larger number of youth engage in behaviours that jeopardize not only their current health, but often their health for years to come.
The International Year of Youth, which begins today, underscores that health is a human right and an integral part of youth development.
Harmful use of alcohol
Harmful drinking among young people is an increasing concern in many countries. It reduces self-control and increases risky behaviours. It is a primary cause of injuries (including those due to road traffic accidents), violence (especially domestic violence) and premature deaths. Banning alcohol advertising and regulating access to it are effective strategies to reduce alcohol use by young people. Brief interventions of advice and counselling when alcohol use is detected can contribute to reducing harmful use.
Fifteen to 24 year olds accounted for an estimated 40% of all new HIV infections among adults worldwide in 2008. Every day, 2 500 more young people get infected and globally there are more than 5.7 million young people living with HIV/AIDS. Young people need to know how to protect themselves and have the means to do so. This includes condoms to prevent sexual transmission of the virus and clean needles and syringes for those who inject drugs. Currently, only 30% of young men and 19% of young women have the comprehensive and correct knowledge they need to protect themselves from acquiring the virus. Better access to HIV testing and counselling will inform young people about their status, help them to get the care they need, and avoid further spread of the virus. Where social, cultural and economic conditions increase the vulnerability of young people to HIV infection, an effective HIV prevention strategy should aim to address these factors as well.
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