Harrendorf, Stefan and Heiskanen, Markku and Malby, Stephen, eds. (2010) International statistics on crime and justice. Helsinki: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control.
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The United Nations Surveys on Crime Trends and the Operations Criminal Justice Systems (denoted UNǦCTS below for the sake of brevity) collect basic information on recorded crime and on resources of criminal justice systems in the Its mandate being Europe and North America, HEUNI has analysed and reported on the surveys for this part of the world from the very beginning. For other regions of the world, such reporting has not been achieved. The present volume, prepared in partnership of HEUNI and the UNODC, for the first time pulls together global responses to the UNǦCTS questionnaire, the most recent one included here is UNǦCTSǦ10 that allows the analysis of data up to 2006.
MM-MO Crime and law > Substance related offence > Drug offence > Illegal transportation of drugs (smuggling / trafficking)
MM-MO Crime and law > Substance related offence > Drug offence > Illegal distribution of drugs (drug market / dealing)
VA Geographic area > International
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