McNamara, SM (2009) 1-Benzylpiperazine (BZP) abuse amongst attendees of the Drug Treatment Centre Board. Irish Medical Journal, 102, (6), p. 191.
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A study was commenced at the Drug Treatment Centre Board’s Drug Analysis Laboratory in order to determine the level of usage of BZP amongst attendees of the Drug Treatment Centre Board (DTCB). All of the individuals tested were methadone maintenance patients.
1-Benzylpiperazine (BZP) is a member of a group of drugs known as Piperazines. It was originally synthesized as a potential antihelminthic in farm animals, however it was found to have side effects and therefore was abandoned. In the 1970s it was investigated as a potential antidepressant, but again was abandoned when it was found to have amphetamine like effects and therefore was liable to abuse.
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