Forde, Caroline
Healing through creativity: RADE’s cultural showcase.
Drugnet Ireland,
Issue 26, Summer 2008,
p. 8.
The fifth annual RADE (Recovery through art, drama and education) showcase of creative work produced by recovering drug users took place in May of this year. Established in August 2004, RADE‘s purpose is ‘to train participants in arts activities designed to facilitate and encourage them in progression routes such as employment, further education and training’.1 These participative programmes involve some of Ireland’s leading contemporary artists from all artistic mediums. The event was opened by the then Minister of State Pat Carey TD in the Project Arts Centre in Temple Bar.
Ken Farrell and Christine Dempsey commenced by reciting their creative writing works entitled Two Different Worlds,which will feature in RADE’s forthcoming book. This was followed by the world premier of Raiders of the Lost Art. This play, written and directed by RADE manager Michael Egan, blended myth with modern reality in a comic and vibrant fashion. An adaptation of the Táin Bó Cúailnge, it also served as the inspiration for the samples of art work and clips from a forthcoming documentary which were also on display. The art work is in preparation for an exhibition that will take place in Dublin Civic Offices from 30 June to 4 July.
The healing power of expression through creativity has recently gained increased attention.2 Minister Carey spoke of this form of recovery as a useful ‘agent for change’ which harnesses both the strengths and weaknesses of a person’s character. Referring to the current revision of the National Drugs Strategy, he stressed the need for innovation in order to help former drug users realise their ‘highest levels of functional ability.’ He reiterated this focus on original thinking required: ‘Let’s not be looking back, let’s always look forward.’ Michael Egan praised his cast, stressing the application of discipline, focus and attention that the play demanded. He closed by defining the programme as an ‘alternative to other activities that drag you down’.
1. Further information is available on the RADE website at See also Connolly J (2007) President opens RADE’s cultural showcase.
Drugnet Ireland, Issue 22: 5.
2. Friend F (2008) Complementary therapy: creative writing. Drink and Drugs News, 21 April 2008:12–13.
Publication Type
Irish-related, Open Access, Article
Intervention Type
Issue Title
Issue 26, Summer 2008
Health Research Board
Issue 26, Summer 2008
Accession Number
HRB (Available)
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