Home > Are contingency management principles being implemented in drug treatment in England?

Weaver, Tim and Hart, Jo and Fehler, Jeffrey and Metrebian, Nicky and D'Agostino, Tony and Benn, Piers (2007) Are contingency management principles being implemented in drug treatment in England? London: National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse. Research briefing 33.

PDF (Contingency management in England) - Published Version

Contingency management is based upon principles of behavior modification. It involves providing positive reinforcement (in the form of clinic privileges, vouchers or payment) when clients achieve specified behaviours or treatment goals. There are four key tenets which are common to all evidence-based models of contingency management:

There is evidence from the US that contingency management can be effective in reducing crack and cocaine use among opiatedependent patients receiving opiate substitution therapy. This study tried to find out whether contingency management (or variants of it) were being applied in England and what clinicians thought about its potential. We also described the approach and the experience of two services that were using contingency management principle.

Item Type
Publication Type
International, Report
Drug Type
All substances
Intervention Type
Treatment method, Psychosocial treatment method, Rehabilitation/Recovery
Identification #
Research briefing 33
Call No
HZ12.12, England
7 p.
National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse
Place of Publication
Accession Number
HRB 4671 (Available)

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