[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 168 & 169 – National drug strategy. [5917/07]. (15 Feb 2007)
External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/2...
168. Mr. Penrose asked the Minister for Education and Science if, in view on the extent and complexity of the drug problem here and the importance of education as a strategy to prevent misuse, the dedicated support provided by the Walk Tall programme support service will be made available to all teachers in the long term as part of their continuing professional development. [5917/07]
169. Mr. Penrose asked the Minister for Education and Science if primary schools in all local drugs task force areas and DEIS schools have access to dedicated support in drug prevention education, through the Walk Tall programme support service; if this dedicated support will be made available to all rural DEIS schools; if so, when this is expected to take place; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [5918/07]
Minister for Education and Science (Ms Hanafin): I propose to take Questions Nos. 168 and 169 together. The Substance Misuse Prevention Programme (which is also known as the Walk Tall Programme support service) is available to all schools in local drug task force areas and to date teachers have availed of the training provided to over 325 schools. In addition to the 325 primary schools in the LDTF areas in Dublin, Bray and Cork which receive an ongoing service of support from the SMPP (Walk Tall Programme), since September, 2006, the service has notified all DEIS (Urban 1 and 2) schools about its support service and, as a result, 150 extra schools in those categories now receive a support service in drug prevention strategies from the Walk Tall Programme. The Substance Misuse Prevention Programme is offered to teachers in summer courses in various education centres around the country (15 planned for 2007) as part of their professional development in this important aspect of their work in teaching pupils about the dangers of substance misuse. Proposals for extending the Substance Misuse Prevention Programme to other areas of disadvantage outside the Local Drugs Task Force Areas (LDTFAs) have been made by the Steering Committee of the ‘Walk Tall’ Programme. The proposals have been received in my Department where they are currently being considered by my officials. This consideration involves consultation with the “Walk Tall” Support Programme personnel to explore, amongst other issues, the feasibility of extending the Programme to areas of disadvantage which are outside the local drugs taskforces. This includes the deployment of resources to areas of most need in accordance with the National Drug Strategy 2001-2008, including Urban Band 1 and 2 schools which are identified in the DEIS (Delivering Equality in Schools) programme.
Vol. 631 No. 5 Written Answers National Drugs Strategy
Thursday, 15 February 2007
N Communication, information and education > Education by subject > Substance use education
N Communication, information and education > Educational environment / institution (school / college / university) > School / college substance use policy
N Communication, information and education > Educational level > Primary education level
VA Geographic area > Europe > Ireland
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