Home > The impact of alcohol use disorders on family life: a review of the empirical literature.

Hutchinson, Delyse M and Mattick, Richard P and Braunstein, Danya and Maloney, Elizabeth and Wilson, Judy (2014) The impact of alcohol use disorders on family life: a review of the empirical literature. Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre. NDARC technical report number: 325.

PDF (The impact of alcohol use disorders on family life)

This report aimed to review the empirical literature on the impact of parental alcohol use disorders on family life. The report focused specifically on harms inflicted by the problematic consumption of alcohol on members of the family, particularly spouses and children, and on the functioning of the family unit as a whole.

The key objectives of this report were to (a) improve understanding of the nature and extent of the impacts, (b) provide specific directions for future research, and (c) identify salient factors to be incorporated in national health policies, and prevention and treatment initiatives that aim to reduce the burden of alcohol use disorders in Australia.

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