Office for Social Inclusion. (2006) Report on consultation for National Action Plan against Poverty and Social Exclusion 2006-2008. Dublin: Department of Social and Family Affairs.
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Structure of report:
Section 1 provides an Introduction to the report;
Section 2 overviews the organisations and individuals who responded to the call for submissions in respect of the types of organisations, the policy areas and communities represented.
Section 3 provides a discussion on the general comments and themes emerging from submissions in relation to the overall NAP/inclusion process including its institutional and structural mechanisms. Comments on progress in relation to tackling poverty and social exclusion were implicit in a large number of submissions;
Section 4 discusses these;
Section 5 discusses comments in relation to the broad strategic approach guiding NAP/inclusion.
Most submissions identified specific policy issues, which they believed required additional attention within NAP/inclusion 2006–2008, as well as a range of suggested policy measures – including suggestions for new policies and programmes and modifications to existing policies/programmes – relevant to the Plan’s five broad objectives and these are outlined in detail in Section 6.
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