Moore, Joan (2007) From Drugnet Europe. Drugnet Ireland, Issue 22, Summer 2007, pp. 30-31.
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Broader remit for EMCDDA
Cited from Drugnet EuropeNo. 57, January–March 2007
The revised EMCDDA regulation [EC Regulation No. 1920/2006] adopted by the European Parliament and the council of the EU … broadens the scope of the Centre’s tasks, granting it a more active role in monitoring new methods of drug use and related trends. Specifically, it allows the agency to collect, register and analyse information on ‘emerging trends in polydrug use’, including the combined use of licit and illicit psychoactive substances.
A key aspect of the new remit is providing information on best practice in the EU Member States and facilitating exchange of such practice between them. …the EMCDDA may also be called on to transfer its know-how to certain non-EU countries, such as official candidates for EU accession and countries in the Western Balkans. This is likely to entail creating and reinforcing links with the Reitox network and assisting in the building and strengthening of national focal points.
The Centre’s own administration is also being overhauled, with the Management Board (on which all Member States and other stakeholders are represented) to be assisted by a new six-member Executive Committee to prepare the decisions of the Board and to advise the Director. …the existing Scientific Committee is being slimmed down to a maximum of 15 members to be chosen through a public selection process based on scientific excellence and independence.
Progress review — EU drugs action plan (2005–2008)
Cited from Frank Zobel Drugnet Europe No. 57, January–March 2007
The European Commission released on 21 December the first progress review on the implementation of the EU drugs action plan (2005–2008)[SEC(2006) 1803]. Covering the 18-month period from the plan's adoption on 27 June 2005 to December 2006, the report assesses to what extent activities foreseen for this period have been implemented and their objectives reached.…
In the report's conclusions, issues outlined as requiring closer attention include: a better
coordination between public health and law-enforcement bodies at all levels; more realistic and feasible indicators for some actions; and the involvement of civil society in forthcoming reviews in the context of the Commission's 'Green Paper on the role of civil society in drugs policy in the European Union'.
EMCDDA strategy and work programme (2007–2009): A sound framework for drugs monitoring in Europe
Cited from Drugnet EuropeNo. 57, January–March 2007
Working more efficiently, investing more in analysis and communicating more effectively with key audiences are among the goals of the EMCDDA's new work programme (2007–2009). Adopted by the Management Board in 2006, the programme charts the agency's direction and activities for the next three years. Its underlying strategy is straightforward: to concentrate on the EMCDDA's core business of monitoring the drugs phenomenon and to ensure that full value is secured from the investments made in this area. Its guiding principles are a commitment to scientific excellence, partnership, good governance and efficiency.
For more on the 2007–2009 work programme, see
BZP under formal scrutiny
Cited from Roumen Sedefov Drugnet Europe No. 58, April–June 2007
Europe has responded to rising concern over the use of the stimulant drug BZP by formally requesting an investigation into the health and social risks of the substance. …The risk-assessment exercise, which will result in a report by mid-June, will be undertaken by the EMCDDA’s Scientific Committee, with participation of additional experts from the European Commission, Europol and the European Medicines Agency (EMEA). The exercise is part of a three-step procedure: information exchange, risk assessment and decision-making.
New project to improve TDI data coverage
Cited from Linda Montanari Drugnet Europe No. 58, April–June 2007
Assessing and improving data coverage in the area of treatment demand is the aim of a new EMCDDA project launched in April 2007. Oriented by proposals from an expert group meeting in February, the project will be carried out in eight volunteer countries and is scheduled for completion by summer. The results will be presented in September at the EMCDDA’s annual treatment demand expert meeting in Lisbon.
Commission launches report on harm reduction in the EU
Cited from Dagmar Hedrich Drugnet Europe No. 58, April–June 2007
The European Commission launched a report in April on the prevention and reduction of health-related harm associated with drug dependence in the EU [COM(2007) 199 final]. The report assesses to what extent Member States have implemented a 2003 Council recommendation which aimed to reduce drug-related deaths and health damage by encouraging countries to develop specific services and facilities.
In its conclusions, the Commission report states that all Member States have now installed
policies and actions reflecting proposals set out in the 2003 recommendation, but the level of implementation varies within and between countries. And while high-quality data exist on the availability of harm-reduction services, data on their accessibility and utilisation, especially by high-risk groups, should be improved.
Drugnet Europe is the quarterly newsletter of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). An electronic version of Drugnet Europe is available on the EMCDDA website at
If you would like to receive a hard copy of the current or future issues of Drugnet Europe, please contact: Alcohol and Drug Research Unit, Health Research Board, Knockmaun House, 42–47 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2; Tel: 01 2345 127; Email:
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