Home > An evaluation of the WRENS project implemented by KDPPG.

Duggan, Carmel (2007) An evaluation of the WRENS project implemented by KDPPG. Dublin: WRC Social and Economic Consultants.

PDF (Wrens project evaluation) - Published Version

WRENS is a programme funded by the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform through the Probation Service. The purpose of the programme is to offer support to women in the Killinarden and surrounding areas when their children, spouses/partners are subjected to criminal justice procedures. The rationale for the programme is based on the recognition of the key role of these women in diverting their children and partners from offending behaviour thus helping to promote social inclusion. Since 2002 programme has concentrated on increasing the confidence and awareness of the women through individual and group programmes. In addition, workshops on topics such as drugs, coping with stress, suicide prevention and many other important topics and skills have been delivered.

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