Home > Drugs - a study in Dublin post-primary schools.

Shelley, Emer and O'Rourke, F and O'Rourke, A and Wilson-Davis, K (1982) Drugs - a study in Dublin post-primary schools. Irish Medical Journal, 75, (7), pp. 254-263.

PDF (Drugs - a study in Dublin post-primary schools.)

This article reported the findings of a 1980/81 survey of post-primary schools in Dublin city and county, regarding drug abuse.

The aims of the survey were to study the consumption of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs by a group of second-level school attenders, and to explore the changes in the use of these substances over the previous decade. The study was intended as a follow-up to similar research carried out in 1970/71. Ultimately, a total of 5,178 self-administered, confidential questionnaires were considered suitable for analysis.

To maintain comparability, the three questions on drugs used in the 1970/71 survey were used again in the present research. In general terms, the results of the survey showed increased contact with drugs since the survey carried out a decade earlier. The use of drugs by schoolchildren had also increased.

Item Type
Publication Type
Irish-related, Article
Drug Type
All substances
July 1982
Call No
AA2, TA14, VH4.2
Page Range
pp. 254-263
Irish Medical Organisation
Accession Number
HRB 549 (Available)

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