Home > Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 104.- Community Employment Schemes [33735/11]

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 104.- Community Employment Schemes [33735/11]. (10 Nov 2011)

External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/2...

104. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Social Protection the eligibility criteria for community employment scheme places for persons under 25 years of age. [33735/11]

Minister for Social Protection (Deputy Joan Burton): The purpose of Community Employment is primarily about developing the skills base and work readiness of individuals who are unemployed for long periods so that they can re-enter the workforce or pursue other training opportunities. The criteria for participating on community employment, and similar initiatives, have not, in general, encompassed young people and those still attending places of education. Persons aged 18 and older are eligible for community employment where they are in receipt of certain Social Protection payments such as Disability Allowance, Blind Pension and Invalidity Pension or if they are Travellers, refugees, residents of off-shore islands, ex-offenders or referred by the Probation Service or Drugs Task Force. 

As with all programmes and schemes, Community Employment will be considered in the context of the Comprehensive Expenditure Review which is currently being finalised and may be affected by decisions made by the Government in its determination of the conclusion of that review. Additionally, I have already indicated that I will be looking at all programmes and schemes supporting those who are unemployed to see if they can be made more responsive to the needs of people who are unemployed.
I would like to draw the Deputy’s attention to JobBridge, the national internship scheme, that was announced as part of the Jobs Initiative, which is open to any person aged 18 or over meeting the eligibility criteria.
Written Answers - Community Employment Schemes
Vol. 746 No. 2
Thursday, 10 November 2011

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