Home > Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 88 - EU Drugs Strategy [13492/05].

[Oireachtas] Dail Eireann debate. Written answer 88 - EU Drugs Strategy [13492/05]. (28 Apr 2005)

External website: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/debate/dail/2...

88. Mr. McGinley asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the position regarding the new EU drugs strategy for the period 2005 to 2012. [13492/05]

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. D. Ahern): The European drugs strategy for the period 2005 to 2012 was adopted by the European Council in December 2004. It is an integral element of The Hague programme for an area of freedom, justice and security and was adopted as part of the programme at the Council. Each EU member state tackles its drug problem through a national drug strategy. However, the drug problem in the European Union is transnational and is not curtailed by the borders of individual member states. The European Union has therefore adopted a consecutive series of comprehensive drug strategies aimed at tackling the problem on a EU wide basis.

The strategies have also sought to address the drug problem outside the EU’s borders with the aim of securing increased international cooperation, particularly regarding production and drug trafficking routes. As in previous years, the new strategy is co-ordinated across the three pillars of the European Union. It represents the EU’s effort to provide added value to the existing national drugs strategies through the application of balanced measures to reduce both demand and supply. It also addresses the drug problem from the cross-cutting aspects of international co-operation and research, information and evaluation. Its fundamental aims are the attainment of a high level of health protection, well being and social cohesion and ensuring a high level of security for the general public. Ireland participated fully in the negotiation of the new strategy and endorses its approach.

With a view to giving it real effect, the European Commission was tasked, in the strategy, with drafting a new European Union drugs action plan for the period 2005-2008. Negotiations on this new plan are in progress and its adoption is expected at the June European Council. The action plan lists the objectives of the strategy, specific actions that need to be taken, the bodies responsible for carrying out these actions and, finally, the indicators to use as a measure for its implementation.

Vol. 601 No. 4
Thursday, 28 April 2005

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