Home > Revenue Commissioners annual report 2016

Ireland. Revenue Commissioners. (2017) Revenue Commissioners annual report 2016. Dublin: Revenue Commissioners.

PDF (Revenue report 2016)


In 2016, Revenue made 5,997 drug seizures, amounting to 1,678 kilograms of product with an estimated value of €30 million - see Table 22 on page 102. Revenue works closely with An Garda Síochána and the Naval Service in the fight against illicit drugs and, as a central part of this ongoing cooperation, undertakes joint investigations with the Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau of An Garda Síochána.


In 2016, this resulted in 80 controlled delivery operations involving Revenue, An Garda Síochána, and/or the Health Products Regulatory Authority. This resulted in the seizure of 293 kilograms of drugs. 37 people were arrested as a result of controlled deliveries or operations with An Garda Síochána. Revenue also participates in the Oversight Forum on Drugs (OFD), which is led by the Department of Health. The OFD meets quarterly to oversee progress in relation to the actions of the Government’s National Drug Strategy 2009-2016, and to address any emerging issues.


At international level, we are engaged actively with the EU Customs Cooperative Working Party, other relevant EU fora, Europol, the European Multi- Disciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats, the Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre (Narcotics), the World Customs Organisation and the Pompidou Group in ongoing actions directed towards intercepting and preventing the trafficking of drugs, illicit medicines, psychoactive substances and drug precursors. Revenue took part in a number of operations within these frameworks in 2016.



Our action against the illicit tobacco trade targeted all stages of the supply chain, resulting in significant seizures of products being smuggled into the country or being supplied or offered for sale here. 44.6 million cigarettes with a value of €23.5 million and 1,527 kilograms of tobacco with a value of €0.74 million were seized; the comparable figures for 2015 were 67.9 million cigarettes and 2,364 kilograms of tobacco. There were 113 convictions for tobacco-related offences in the course of the year.- see Table 23 on page 102

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