Nurses and Midwives

Nurses & Midwives

Some key documents


(2023) Pregnancy and substance use: a harm reduction toolkit. National Harm Reduction Coalition


(2023) Screening for alcohol use in pregnancy: a review of current practices and perspectives. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction


(2022) Saving lives, improving mothers’ care core report - lessons learned to inform maternity care from the UK and Ireland confidential enquiries into maternal deaths and morbidity. University of Oxford


(2022)  Clinical research nurse and midwives orientation pack. An introduction to the role of the clinical research nurse and midwife, and to the regulations and guidelines governing clinical research in Ireland. Irish Research Nurses & Midwives


(2020) Clinical guidance on cannabis for medical use. Department of Health


(2020) Alcohol care teams: where are we now? Frontline Gastroenterology


(2019) Hidden harm practice guide. Seeing through Hidden Harm to brighter futures. HSE and Tusla


(2019) Treatment services for people with co-occurring substance use and mental health problems. Health Research Board



See the Drug and Alcohol Findings website for the drug treatment matrix and alcohol treatment matrix 

Also, our health issues page and treatment and rehabilitation page

For information on alcohol and other drug services, see the services directory

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