Home > Collecting the evidence: clients' views on drug services. Addaction's user consultation survey 2004.

Jones, Sarah and Drainey, Sarah and Walker, Lee and Rooney, Jennifer (2004) Collecting the evidence: clients' views on drug services. Addaction's user consultation survey 2004. London: Addaction.

A report on a consultation survey of clients’ views on drug services was released on 30 March 2004 by Addaction, the UK drug and alcohol treatment charity. ‘Collecting the evidence; Clients’ views on drug services’, gives a revealing insight into the lives, opinions and backgrounds of people who misuse drugs and alcohol and who have sought help for their problems. The publication is described as ‘a comprehensive and disturbing report based on one of the largest samples collected of clients’ views and experiences. It highlights what has worked successfully and what has not worked so well in the continuing delivery of drug and alcohol treatment

Item Type
Publication Type
International, Report
Drug Type
All substances
Intervention Type
Harm reduction
Call No
37 p.
Place of Publication
Accession Number
HRB 2445 (Available)
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